Azules Los Angeles

Azules Los Angeles

Everyday fashion for every woman in America. Azules, American Basics

Everyday fashion for every woman in America. Azules, American Basics

About Us

As we embarked on our journey to America from Argentina, flying high in the blue sky and over the deep oceans, “Azules” was born. Azules means “blue” in Spanish. For us, Azules is more than a clothing brand - it represents possibilities, freedom, and the American Spirit.

Our line of classic, everyday basics in bold and fearless colors are unlike anything you’ll find available on the market today. Competitors cut every corner and pass costs to consumers using unethical labor practices.

Here at Azules, we put Americans first, which is why our entire line is Made in the USA. And unlike the flimsy and sheer imported clothing made by overseas manufacturers, our high-quality fabric is thick and soft to the skin.

It’s time to celebrate who we are as individuals and as a country.
"Wear American. Wear Azules."

Yang’s Family

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." - Rom 8:28